
Fashion industry is surrounded by a number of legal issues like any other industry in this fourth industrial revolution where technology takes lead of everything. The consumer behavior keeps changing time to time and this welcomes the gap in fashion industry.

Kozen Law is at African market where issues such as high number of brands piracy, abuse of luxury brands and counterfeiting practices takes place.

Our team helps to understand and protect the fashion industry through the following services:

  • Providing legal and commercial advices towards fashion, lifestyle, luxury brands, and other industry stakeholders
  • We assist and advice on the issues such as Brand identity; Creative works; designs and models; Inventions and Sensitive information
  • Providing enforcement services namely: Writing desist letters and use other takedown measures such as filing cases in empowered office for mediation and arbitration purposes.

We assist the variety of clients who involves in Fashion business from Individuals, startups to International brand companies.