Technological evolution brought about many changes not only in the way people live their lives but
also affected in a more positive way, the perceptions, and their creativity. Nowadays, the biggest
industries and firms have invested in technology in order to increase productivity and creativity. This
resulted into unprecedented changes that eased life. This evolution enabled humans to simulate
human intelligence in machines that are programmed, enabled to think like humans and mimic their
actions. This capability enabled machines to lean and acquire problem-solving. This is what known
as “Artificial Intelligence”.1 This technology that enabled humans to use machines as if they are
humans. Technological devices such as computers are now capable of producing artistic and
innovative works.
The War Between Copyright and Digital Society
Copyright is one of the intellectual property areas with a rapid growth both in regulatory terms and
expansion of users. This growth is manifested in its all aspects from its creation, commercialization
and protection.
Copyright Protection to Non Human Entities Animals
All jurisdictions have deployed efforts in protecting the citizens’ rights by enacting and adopting laws
whether done unilaterally- domestically or through joint efforts, on international fora, by signing and/or
accessing to international treaties and conventions. Among the protected rights, there are rights to
property. While the concept of right to property is broad, one of its components has taken a significant
place as it does not cease to prove an ever developing area of law affecting while benefiting all sectorsthis is Intellectual Property.